Posts Tagged ‘thoughts


When we can speak it the power it holds dies…

It’s not often as a mom I wish for time to fly by. I’d rather it slow down, but then there is middle school. Is it possible for time to fly by for this phase yet slow down for the others? Only if, right? I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

However, the countdown is on to the end of our middle school journey. It’s been a long one. We’re in the 11th year and 12 years will complete our journey. It can’t come fast enough. I’m weary and worn. I know what lies on the other side and I know it’s better there. It’s better because of the growth, realizations and pain of the journey. But, I am impatient and I hurt and cry for her so much now.

With 4 there’s not been a break or pause for me. She doesn’t know the privilege or the cost of being a mom. To her middle school is a new, changing and normal event that passes by quickly. I see what was, what is and what will be. I see the cost, the regrets, and mistakes. And I know the what if’s and the long road of healing that may be ahead.

I am aware I’ve always carried this time heavier than my kids and others. I do struggle to find reprieve and rest during this time. It’s a momentary battle I loose more than I win.

I don’t think I’ll ever miss this stage. I’ll just be glad it’s over while hoping it was more beneficial than not. Where are the mom groups for this life phase? And why do they tend to die off once your kiddos enter kindergarten?

Day by Day

May 2024

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