Archive for July 9th, 2007


What would you do?

Swartz Calendar:

August 22: Hannah’s Preschool Open House/meet the teacher (she went to the same preschool last year)

Sometime the week of Aug. 20: Meet teacher for Taylor: First grade.

August 22-26: Jason has to be in Paris, France and wants me to join him.

I love Paris, my favorite place. But I also think I should meet the teachers and be there for my kids. I am conflicted….2 loves what do I do.


Kids say the darndest things!!

Tonight I decided to mix things up and take the kids out to dinner and do some shopping. Luckily, for me they were well behaved at dinner. (This is quite shocking, they are usually horrid when I take all 3 to dinner by myself.) Then I went to Micheal’s and to Shoe Carnival, where they were having a HUGE sale…so of course, I had to get 2 pairs of black flip flops. Perfectly understandable, right?!

Well the kids had a ton of energy but seeing how that it is Monday night there were few people out shopping. But of course when Hannah announced she had to go potty all those in Micheal’s heard her cry. I promptly said, let’s go find the potty and before I finished that statement she raised her voice and BLURTED OUT “Mommy I can feel the poop coming out!”

There were only 3 steps between the I need potty and feel it coming statements. Several ladies looked our way and chuckled. While I am in fear of having to clean poop up off the floor I am racing through Micheal’s. Poop on a public floor can easily be our reality. Hannah is my wonderful child who only announces she needs to potty when it is on the verge of exiting her body. We don’t get warnings at all. Despite all the accidents we have had and conversations about telling us as soon as she feels it has not helped one bit. So our family has a well developed talent and skill that needs to be added to the Olympics some day…. we are the bathroom sprinters. Poor Joshua, well I think he enjoys it, gets to feel the wind in his face as he enjoys the stroller 500 as I dash through the stores, taking tight turns and speed by all other pedestrians and shoppers.

Much to my relief we did make it to the bathroom in time. But unknowing to me, potty issues for the night were not over yet…

We get home, girls get a shower then I give Joshua his bath, I am drying him off, I go to put on diaper, grab the powder to sprinkle on his cute lil bum and there it is. I turn around and I am being hosed down. This would be only my second time getting peed on. ( I am proud of this as J has more tick marks by his name) So I do not flinch I just grabbed a new diaper and begin again, except that my 15 month old begins to laugh hysterically. He obviously found great joy in that lil trick. Does he even know yet what he did? I mean he went from laying still and quiet to all out belly jigglin laughter. Well I could not resist so I joined him in his laughter.

Thankfully all 3 are in bed and I am pretty sure our potty issues for the day are over!

Day by Day

July 2007

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